Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Install Chinese or Japanese Windows XP with english XP screenshots

I sometimes have the problem that I need to install an asian Windows XP. I could always install a second XP in english in parallel in order for me to understand the screens in a language that is unknown to me.

Here are some screenshots that have helped me, hopefully they will be helpful for other people too.

I have noticed that there are more screens, e.g. Japanese XP has an extra screen for the keyboard layout. Select S for the menu, and then select "101 English keyboard layout". Otherwise you will have problems later when entering Name and Organisation. It also seems you should click on the little red dot in the keyboard selection thing at the right bottom corner when entering Name and Organisation, otherwise Tabulator key does not work, and I was not able to continue from that screen

One bit of advice: the keyboard shortcuts are usually the same, so watch out for capital Latin letters. This should help you to recognise which screen you are on and find the meaning on the english screenshots.

You can find a similar gallery here: http://techrepublic.com.com/2346-10878_11-5181.html